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Topic review (newest first)

04-01-2020 3:03 am

Thank you Richard I will doing the yearly one $50.00

03-31-2020 11:56 am

Hi Janice! I responded to your other topic about this, and also mentioned it in chat but it might have been missed. I'll repost it! smile

Richard wrote:

Hi Janice! Sorry I didn't get to your message earlier. We're looking into a potential Trial in the future! At this time, we did launch the Monthly MVP Membership as a form of a 'Trial' to help people test the features before they commit to a Yearly Membership. If you decide to go Monthly - you can always upgrade to the Yearly later on! smile

03-31-2020 11:46 am

Would it be possible to have a free trial on the MVP say 28 days  to see if people like it, then if they do pay for it

when they can. As most sites I know do this just a thought.

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