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11-20-2023 1:43 am

the power for the break is fine as for the other issues i agree.teach your players english.when i started here that was not a option.and he did increase the break 30 percent as i remember.but bot mode he dont seem to know how to fix it.and founder of?what a hog wash bunch of crap pool is total crap spinning stick and when making the 8 game wants to contine crappy mess and still hitting my balls in was same in beta mode and i was here first when it rolled out not seen enough fixes hire someone to fix it or relist it as beta mode

11-19-2023 5:42 pm


Can we get the power bar increased?

Would be helpful.

Thanks so much!

10-23-2023 11:21 am

Anyway, we are enjoying the site and game very much.

Our members are loving the experience!

We had 16 in our Tournament of Champions in Pool yesterday.

We will continue to identify any areas of concern and see if we can get those tweaked for all of our benefits.

Thanks so much!!!

10-23-2023 10:53 am


We have noticed that the game allows you to hit your opponents ball into your own to pot it and then it gives you the next turn.

In real life and on other pool sites, hitting your opponents ball first Trump's potting your own and is considered a foul and your opponent would get Ball in Hand.

10-21-2023 7:42 pm

Candy you have to be more specific with date, time etc.

10-21-2023 7:40 pm

when your opponent shoots and u see where all the balls are it will flicker then balls will be totally rearranged. DOne that a few times to me.

10-21-2023 7:22 pm

I haven't received a complaint about that specifically.

Ours is more like, I'm on 8 shot. I make an attempt and it doesn't go in.

My opponent now receives BIH because it's saying the 8 isn't a specified solid/stripe.

Hope that helps,

10-21-2023 7:16 pm
EXTREME wrote:

Can you please adjust the settings so hitting the 8 Ball is not a foul if missed? I get if someone hits the 8 Ball early in the game that would be a foul but if someone is aiming for it to pot it n the ball doesn't go in, it's giving their opponent ball in hand which is usually near the end of the game so it's very damaging.

We are hosting Pool for 11 hours a day so any glitches/issues that we find, I'll be sure to get them reported here so we can continue to make the game the best possible.

7.4 No Rail

If after the cue ball strikes a legal ball and neither the cue ball nor any other ball hits a rail or is pocketed, it is a ball in hand foul. A “Frozen” (touching) object ball to the rail does not meet this requirement by virtue of it not “hitting” a rail.

Is it doing this on every missed shot? If you don't contact a rail with either the cue ball or eight ball during your shot attempt it is considered a foul per the rules that the game was programmed with.


10-17-2023 3:52 am

Good Morning Case.

8 Ball Pool has improved a lot!

Thanks for your hard work!

One issue we still have is:

This is so that everyone can be aware about something we noticed when attempting to pot the 8 Ball in a pocket. If the attempt is unsuccessful, it gives the opponent BIH even though they didn't scratch or foul.

Can you please adjust the settings so hitting the 8 Ball is not a foul if missed? I get if someone hits the 8 Ball early in the game that would be a foul but if someone is aiming for it to pot it n the ball doesn't go in, it's giving their opponent ball in hand which is usually near the end of the game so it's very damaging.

We are hosting Pool for 11 hours a day so any glitches/issues that we find, I'll be sure to get them reported here so we can continue to make the game the best possible.

Thanks so much!!!


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