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Hi, I updated my firefox browser, but it still doesn't work.
I downloaded google chrome and everything works with that browser.
Thanks for the quick replies
I'm still having the issues. I use Mozilla Firefox.
Hi! We found out Mozilla FireFox had an update this last week which is causing many members to experience this issue. All you need to do is update your FireFox browser to the most updated version, and your situation should be resolved!
I'm still having the issues. I use Mozilla Firefox.
Chat hasn't worked for me since yesterday. I read the messages in the chat with a delay of 10 minutes. I used the update button, but it doesn't work. Unfortunately I can't take part in tournaments like this.
Are you still experiencing issues? Which web browser do you currently play games through?
Chat hasn't worked for me since yesterday. I read the messages in the chat with a delay of 10 minutes. I used the update button, but it doesn't work. Unfortunately I can't take part in tournaments like this.
Love this added feature! A quick fix indeed - Thank you!!!
We appreciate you and all that you are doing Case's Staff!!!
Keep up the awesome and continuous enhancements of Case's Arcade!!!
!!!!! Happy 5th Anniversary !!!!!
From All of Us at BOWL OF FUN LEAGUE
Hi all,
In response to some users having issues where chat stops working or disappears we have added a new option that should reload the chat room for you without having to exit your game.
You'll notice a new icon in the top right of the chat rooms: ? If you click this, the chat should restore itself!
Let us know if this is helpful or if you have any problems!