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05-03-2020 11:42 pm
bayoubengal wrote:

This issue seems to be happening again this morning.  Two of our league members were unable to get on the site this morning.  One finally made it.  The other still has not.  They reported to me getting error messages at login.  Just wanted to let you folks know so maybe you could look into it.  Thanks!

This was the same problem... I have also made some changes so that we can try to make sure this does not happen again!


05-03-2020 7:05 am

This issue seems to be happening again this morning.  Two of our league members were unable to get on the site this morning.  One finally made it.  The other still has not.  They reported to me getting error messages at login.  Just wanted to let you folks know so maybe you could look into it.  Thanks!

04-28-2020 1:34 pm

Thank you Case for fixing the problem.  I was about to go into DT without my morning bowling!  LOL!!!  And thank you Daniel for reporting this for me!  Love you bunches!!!

04-28-2020 5:18 am

This is fixed now!  Sorry about the problem.


04-28-2020 5:14 am

Good morning folks!  There's a problem this morning.  I can access the site and play any game I want to.  But my girlfriend who has MVP account can not.  Can you check and see why?  Her name is Kimberly and she goes by SexySouthernGirl on here.  Thanks for your time.  Time to run.  Have to head to work now.

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