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Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it.
Hi jhobs1!
I updated the capitalization on your name, so it reads 'jhobs1' in all lowercase. Hope that helps!
Yes thank you but it wasn't just the underscore I had to change the two letters to caps. Thanks again
The user 'JHobs1' is currently registered on the website. You should be able to login without any issues! If you do continue to have issues, please let us know.
Thank you for responding so quickly, yes that was the first thing I did I got rid of the underscore but it still wouldn't let me do jhobs1 telling me that no bad names are allowed, I am letting you know because I am sure I won't be the only one having this issue. Thanks again for your time
Unfortunately our username system here does not support underscores in player names! Sorry for the trouble!
My name in cases is jhobs1_ when I tried to register in cases arcade it would not let me I tried several times and had to change is a bit in order for me to register which really didn't fill me with joy, so I had to go with JHobs1 I don't suppose that can be fixed, just asking. Thanks for your time