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02-24-2022 3:02 pm

Thanks very much for the additional information, that is useful!


02-22-2022 5:20 pm

Hello Case, Thank-You  for responding. Here are some of the things have noticed.
The freeze seems to always happen between frames. Example: you have bowled frame 7 (strike or spare doesn't seem to matter) waiting for Frame 8 to begin new pins never arrive just the empty alley.
Though it can happen in any frame, it seems like it happens around frame 2 into frame 3 , 3 into frame 4, frame 7 into frame 8 or 8 into frame 9
We also have a issue of pins half way falling down but not completely and is counted as a spare.
The amount of bowlers in the room does not seem to be an issue.  Sometimes it is a small tour 4 or 5 bowlers other times it is 8 or more bowlers
Hope this helps in some way. Thank-You for your time.

02-21-2022 12:50 am

We are aware of the issue and are working to collect bug reports to help fix the problem.  It looks like some browser updates have impacted the performance for certain users.

Any information you or other players can post would be helpful.  Does it always freeze at a certain point, like after you throw the ball, or after the scoreboard is updated?


02-19-2022 5:07 am

We have been having major issues in Arcade Bowling with the game freezing. Seems like there was an issue with this before and  it was fixed, am I not remembering this right? Has anyone else been having this happening again? Please help our players are getting so frustrated. Thanks so very much

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