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09-23-2022 9:29 am
Backgammon Instructions:

Backgammon: How to Play
Backgammon is played by two players. Either against another Case’s Arcade member or the computer. The inviting player, or Player 1(white) - will bear off in the bottom right corner. Player 2(red), the accepting player, will bear off in the top right corner.

The objective is for players to bear off all their checkers from the board before their opponent. Victory is awarded to the first player that bears off all their chips first and will have the higher score.

Each side of the board has a track of 12 long triangles, called points. Each player begins with fifteen pieces, two are placed on their 24-point, three on their 8-point, and five each on their 13-point and their 6-point. The two players move their pieces in opposing directions, from the 24-point towards the 1-point.

The user who created the match will start the game. The players then alternate turns, rolling two dice at the beginning of each turn. After rolling the dice, players must, if possible, move their checkers according to the number shown on each dice. If you roll doubles then the player must play each die twice if the moves are available. For example, a roll of 6-6 allows the player to make four moves of six spaces each and is the highest roll a player can play. In the course of a move, a checker may land on any triangle that is unoccupied or is occupied by one or more of the player's own checkers. It may also land on a triangle occupied by exactly one opposing checker.  In this case, the opponent has been "hit" and is placed in the middle of the board on the bar that divides the two sides of the playing surface. A checker may never land on a point occupied by two or more opposing checkers, no point is ever occupied by checkers from both players at the same time. There is no limit to the number of checkers that can occupy a triangle at any given time.

When all of a player's checkers are on that player's home board, that player may start removing them; this is called "bearing off". A roll of 1 may be used to bear off a checker from the 1-point, a 2 from the 2-point, and so on. If all of a player's checkers are on points lower than the number showing on a particular die, the player must use that die to bear off one checker from the highest occupied point. For example, if a player rolls a 6 and a 5, but has no checkers on the 6-point and two on the 5-point, then the 6 and the 5 must be used to bear off the two checkers from the 5-point. If a player's checker is hit while in the process of bearing off, that player may not bear off any others until it has been re-entered into the game and moved into the player's home board, according to the normal movement rules. The first player to bear off all fifteen of their own checkers wins the game!

Extra Tips:

When you roll Doubles, you can move your piece(s) 1-4 times, depending on how far you move them. So remember to keep moving until your turn is over. If you can highlight a game piece, it is still your turn!! Often times, users may see a 'Waiting for Opponent' screen - when in fact their opponent still has a turn to finish.

09-23-2022 9:23 am

Septembers Gamer Badges are here! Don't wait, dive into Backgammon and Four Colors! Grab a friend and play some Multiplayer Backgammon today!

You can earn these badges if you complete each game 10 times this week!

Complete 10 Classic Backgammon games during Gamer Week September 23rd - September 30th

Complete 10 Four Colors games during Gamer Week September 23rd - September 30th

Have fun!

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