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06-24-2020 7:55 am

Thank you for hearing me out, Case. That's all I wanted. This is a forum for suggestions, so I put it here. I'm sorry that it caused such a strong reaction in the thread. That wasn't my intention. I would also like to point out that I didn't say any names, so if anyone felt singled out that is for them to figure out why. The private chat idea is a good one. We had that on Pogo and worked well. I even hosted a tour once in it because another league was using the lobby. Thanks again. smile

06-24-2020 7:40 am

Hi everyone,

We are trying to make a site for everyone to feel comfortable playing and I try not to sit in judgement as much as possible.   What makes one person feel insecure isn't necessarily for us to tear down as people have experienced many different kinds of online abuse or trauma.  Instead I think finding solutions that give everyone some control if they need it is the right way to go.

That being said, we will not be changing the fact that you can be in multiple rooms at once. There are a decent number of players who have multiple monitors or even multiple computers who enjoy playing or chatting in two places at once, especially league admins who may be running tournaments or events for multiple games at the same time.  This is something we want to encourage.

One thing we are working on conceptually is the possibility of premium users being able to create a private room that only friends could join. Kind of like a league room but for the users. Then people could play together but also separately if they desired.


06-23-2020 11:20 pm

Okay...I've finished laughing and gotten off the floor and back into my chair.  So let's be real.  I work for a living six days a my online time here on Case's Arcade is limited.  I don't have time to sit at home all day like some people or "spy" on people all day because I am at work all day.  Quite frankly...I could not care less what other people discuss.  And when I DO get online here...I like playing two games at once.  Why NOT spin the slot wheels while you bowl in tournaments?  That way I can advance my score in two places at once and don't have to pick or choose or decide which game I would rather play as my time online here is limited.  So I vote NO for this mod and give it two thumbs down.

06-23-2020 10:45 pm

Okay...let me see if I understand this.  You want Case to make is so that every user here on this site can only play one game at a time because you have paranoid delusions that people are spying on you???  ROFLMBO!!!!!  You CANT be serious!?!?!  Surely you jest.....

06-23-2020 8:09 pm

I bet it was captain wasnt it? he been wanting me for so long  lol I just ignore him :-D

06-23-2020 8:00 pm

Another case of worrying about what other people are doing. If it bothers you so much go to another room geez...I'm willing to bet NOBODY is "spying" on you

06-23-2020 7:52 pm

just have fun and chill

06-23-2020 4:08 pm

In regards to my last post, a few friends and I were talking about limiting the ability of people to spy on others all day while playing in other rooms. A friend of mine suggested that it would be nice to limit each person to being in only one game room at a time. I really can't see a reason why anyone needs to be in multiple games. If someone is playing a game and decides to play something else, there is no reason why they can't leave that room to go to another room unless it is to keep an eye on the chat all day. It just feels a bit creepy to be watched everyday. I don't know if this is possible but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Also, thank you for the friend list loving it!

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