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12-02-2020 4:47 am

Thank you Richard, Laura made me a moderator There is on other thing is there any way that we can make bowling with a pop up window so I can have the tournament page up on a different browser next to the bowling so there side by side


12-01-2020 11:28 am

Hi! Being a Moderator and a Host are two separate things. You can absolutely host, without your Moderator Badge. The Moderator Badge and tools, is to help provide features within your specific game room. So do not worry if you do not have a badge - you can absolutely host without one!

11-30-2020 8:27 am

I am a co-ha admin in the two steppers and I am hoping to host after Pogo Bowl retires my question is do I have to be a Moderator to host as I'm nor sure if my HA is going to bowl in cases.  I am aware that the HA is the only one who can make a Moderator but I have been acting HA when my HA was on vacation so is there any chance I can do this myself

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