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12-19-2020 7:41 am

Case - I see what you were explaining.  Thank you for the help.

12-18-2020 9:50 pm
AngelHarold231 wrote:

is there a way to MUTE a player in the room whose commentary is offensive or annoying?

Under the Account Menu, click Site Settings.  There is an option to mute a player there.  You can also unmute someone if you decide to.  Note this only hides them for you, if you want them not visible to the whole room an admin can do what is mentioned above.


12-18-2020 4:50 pm

Linda - ty for the advise.  If that doesn't work, then perhaps the LA or TD can MUTE offenders.

12-18-2020 10:34 am

/mute then their name
not sure if players can do it or if is the admins that can won't hurt to it lol

12-17-2020 7:46 pm

is there a way to MUTE a player in the room whose commentary is offensive or annoying?

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