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03-29-2020 7:55 pm

It was difficult for me at first too Bart.  But I learned a lot by watching Youtube videos of bowling at Casesarcade posted by Stonecold.  You may want to have a look at them.  Watch how the meter is set...where the bowler is positioned...and where he stops the arrow swing.  It took me awhile to get the hang of it too.  But I've played 1,328 games now (70 or them are 300s) and have an average of 248.  So I can honestly say the videos helped me a lot.  I know Case mentioned something once about having tutorial videos available here...or maybe a link to Stonecold's videos on Youtube.  Might be a good idea for the future.  Best of luck to you!!  -Kimberly

03-29-2020 3:45 pm

Only 500 more levels to go!   Haha.   Keep at it, you will get better!


03-29-2020 1:24 am

I'm so used to pogo...this bowling game is way hard to learn....yet I'm level 10??

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