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Topic review (newest first)

05-07-2021 12:35 pm

Hi there,

It is interesting because we have not made any changes recently to the game code so I'm wondering if some browser or operating system update is mucking with Arcade Bowling.   I have a couple ideas to explore here that I will look into over the coming days!


05-06-2021 3:20 pm

Okay...Little Paws league has now ceased running tours in Arcade Bowling.  During this evening's tours 3 members had their games freeze on them.  All using different browsers.  Until the problems mentioned above get resolved we will only run tours in Classic Bowling.

05-02-2021 6:48 pm

I've been noticing some quirks in our Arcade Bowling tours and wanted to mention them here.  Mainly that the "Live Games" do not show correctly in the upper left corner of the screen.  Many times a player will conclude a game and yet under "Live Games" it will still show them in the 2nd or 3rd frame.  Secondly...I have had my game freeze on me twice this week in Arcade Bowling...once in the 10th frame...and once in the 4th frame.  For some reason the "sweeper" does not come down and clear the pins away...therefore no pins are reset for the next frame or for second roll if you don't get a strike on the first roll.  The only fix is to refresh the page and begin the game over which is considered "cheating" during our tours.  So this really needs to be looked into please.  I've also noticed that under "highest average score" it shows me having like 269 but under "my stats" it shows like 245.  Under "my stats" in our Classic Bowling league room it shows 254.  Lastly...I have noticed many frames where I'm not given the ability to set the power meter.  It simply launches the ball with the power meter at dead zero!  And one more thing...there are frames where the ball will suddenly hook left of right sharply into the gutter without any input from keyboard or mouse.  All these issues were not happening before but began about 3-4 weeks ago.  I have tried various browsers and have kept my PC free of internet cache and temporary files in an effort to fix the problems but they still persist.  So if you could look into it I'd appreciate it!!  Thanks bunches!

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