#1 03-10-2022 7:09 am

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Pool Update - New features and fixes

Hi everyone,

We have been working on some fixes and enhancements for Pool based on great user feedback directly to us and also in the recent survey.

We just released an updated version which the following changes:

  • Timer between shots has been increased by 33% to give people more time to plan their shots

  • We have increased power on the break shot so balls can spread out more and English has more impact

  • The order of balls in the rack is now randomized accord to BCA rules so breaks are less predictable.

We recently updated and corrected some scoring bugs and we are continuing to work on allowing players to instantly win the game is they can sink the eight ball on break, but that one is a little trickier!

Please give the changes a try and let us know what you think!


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#2 03-12-2022 1:02 pm


Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

The pool cue still sticks to the white ball for a second. When it does, I have wait for the timer to run out so either me or the bot can shoot. Now I have to wait 33 % longer and this happens frequently.  Also when the bot sinks the black ball and has others balls still on the table, it does not give me the win, It just restarts the game.

#3 03-15-2022 2:15 am

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes


Thanks for the updated information.  You mentioned the timer but also said the bot.  As Outlaw said there isn't at timer in the bot play?  Can you clarify where you are seeing that happen?  Have you noticed any pattern?


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#4 03-17-2022 6:33 pm

Posts: 2

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

I am using an ipad and until i got my keyboard and mouse I couldn’t play very well, nor could i figure out how to clear my cache to make the room work better. for me the cmd/alt plus the f4 key worked. I also found that while playing the bot, when the game sticks and won’t let me shoot, clicking on the q ball wasn’t responding i happen to click on the English ball and that made my stick work again. Not sure if that will work every time but it did tonight. Thank you so much for fixing pool.     




#5 04-01-2022 7:24 am


Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

When the pool cue sticks to the white ball just for a second, it takes about 40 seconds before someone either me the the bot to be able to shoot again. This happens quite often. The bot also combo's off of one of my balls, and gets to shoot again.

#6 04-22-2022 11:16 pm


Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

Case:  On some occassion the Bot will sink the black ball and does not return on table and it will say your shot..I have no colors of my own to shoot but waiting for the Black Ball to return ,so I have to exit out of the game..Can this be repaired and looked into..Many Thanks

#7 07-01-2022 8:47 pm

MVP Member
From: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 74

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

I am experiencing quite a few glitches.

1. Private table does not work, opponent puts in code and we get a black box so have to revert to Multi n try to get the right player when doing a tournament.

2. If my opponent leaves the game, it doesn't give me the win, the game just disappears like it never happened, not good for tournament records.

3. I have more glitches when I play on mobile, but I am hoping that it was just the public room, and will try again in the MISFITS room tomorrow. Lobby would not work in Public room on mobile, it would not let me type, and was very difficult.

4. Hoping we can make the necessary fixes, we love pool smile

Head Admin of MISFITS Multi Gaming League. Founder of Misfits, Founder of Pool Dreams, Founder of Extreme Cues on Yahoo Pool, and Founder of Yahoo Pool Memories Facebook Group. Dedicated Player and League Operator since 2001.


#8 07-02-2022 2:49 pm

Posts: 2

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

stick spins a lots

Last edited by playergdl2111 (07-02-2022 2:51 pm)


#9 07-03-2022 6:53 pm

MVP Member
From: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 74

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

Mobile version is full of glitches.

I cannot type or see in the lobby, even after rotating my phone.

Also the aim arrow keeps disappearing when the cue ball is on the left side of the table. My opponent says it happens to him a lot too.

Also if your opponent minimizes the game to multi task, it pause the game, which is very very frustrating, especially when you are on mobile, unable to chat anywhere, the pool table is froze, and you are at the mercy of your opponent.

Hope these issues can be resolved, we love Pool!

Head Admin of MISFITS Multi Gaming League. Founder of Misfits, Founder of Pool Dreams, Founder of Extreme Cues on Yahoo Pool, and Founder of Yahoo Pool Memories Facebook Group. Dedicated Player and League Operator since 2001.


#10 07-04-2022 10:08 am

Arcade Staff
Posts: 99

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes


Thank you for the information.  We have passed it on to the programmers.


#11 07-04-2022 5:30 pm

MVP Member
From: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 74

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

We were playing a tournament match, half way through, and I potted a ball.

However, my ball never fully made it down the spout, it was spinning at the top.

The cue ball was spinning in place, and I could not move on to my next turn...

There is no way to pass turn, or leave the game n come back, it just makes the game go away, which is very difficult to host a tournament.

We are going to tell members to "play through the glitches" which means some might lose automatically if their table freezes which could be upsetting to them.

Please fix these glitches.

This happened in my match vs Washingtonbowler around 8:28 pm est if the programmers can look it up.


Head Admin of MISFITS Multi Gaming League. Founder of Misfits, Founder of Pool Dreams, Founder of Extreme Cues on Yahoo Pool, and Founder of Yahoo Pool Memories Facebook Group. Dedicated Player and League Operator since 2001.


#12 07-04-2022 5:44 pm

MVP Member
From: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 74

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

Can we please change it so if you minimize your game, it does not pause the game for your opponent?

We have Staff multi tasking, and its not fair to the players if the games keep pausing because Staff have to close out their tournaments.

Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated smile

Head Admin of MISFITS Multi Gaming League. Founder of Misfits, Founder of Pool Dreams, Founder of Extreme Cues on Yahoo Pool, and Founder of Yahoo Pool Memories Facebook Group. Dedicated Player and League Operator since 2001.


#13 07-05-2022 4:04 pm

Posts: 2

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

there make 8 ball befroe time and not show win keep playing


#14 07-19-2022 1:02 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

The issue here is that some browsers and extensions prevent background execution of Javascript.  This means that with some users the game cannot run if you leave the tab at all, which breaks the game if the other player can. Unfortunately the only way to address this right now is for the game to pause when people switch tabs.


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#15 07-27-2022 5:47 pm

Posts: 71

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

so when are going to fix it.since i always get told to post.so i am posting.sad deal in bot mode.i come home from work to play today what a bad deal.this getting old.2 player mode works most of the time.but you need to fix bot mode.as i doubt its in java mode but if is please fix this old issue.people wont deal with league pool with this issue.needs fixed.also clearing room cache isnt working. now again i loose when the bot scratches grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Last edited by OUTLAW (07-28-2022 3:36 pm)


#16 07-27-2022 6:05 pm

MVP Member
From: Louisville Kentucky
Posts: 74

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

I check this forum thread every day for changes so we can bring our league back to the Pool Game.

I cannot host tournaments when the game keeps freezing and the ball spins when potting...

I cannot host tournaments when the game pauses every time a player multi tasks.

I hope improvements are made, but I am guessing that will not be before 2023.

My players keep asking, they've suggested Nidink and GAMEDESIRE, but I'd rather play on Cases Arcade, so we will wait for these improvements.


Head Admin of MISFITS Multi Gaming League. Founder of Misfits, Founder of Pool Dreams, Founder of Extreme Cues on Yahoo Pool, and Founder of Yahoo Pool Memories Facebook Group. Dedicated Player and League Operator since 2001.


#17 09-03-2022 5:23 pm

Posts: 2

Re: Pool Update - New features and fixes

I wish you would fix pool so OUTLAW would have his happy place and stop Being hard to deal with in bowling and EVERYWHERE else we try to play and have fun


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