#1 06-13-2023 11:09 am

From: south carolina
Posts: 24

bugn in classics

ONE OF  THE  BOWLER  IS  HAVING  ISSUES  SEE  CAHT  U   debmr19nalsome live chat    does not  show  to   almost t he  ends and  everytime i  go  to  bowl i,ma  man bowler i  refresh and  stil l  a man  bowler  please  check this out  ty

, lets all prayer for healing!


#2 06-13-2023 4:41 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 95

Re: bugn in classics

Hi butterflyroses52,

We are sorry to hear another user is experiencing an issue with chat.  Do you know if they can send in a Support mail along with a screenshot?  When a user is experiencing and issue they can send in a support mail and click screenshot and the system will take a picture of the screen where you are experience the issue.

The programmers have been informed of this issue.

Enjoy your night!


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