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Can someone please tell me and rest of my TD staff & members..what is it that boots someone from room "cause they reported error message". What are they saying to get booted? I never have seen anything in the chat from a person who was booted, that warranted that action. Also there are players I know and have or are My league members who come in..they are greeted, but we never see there reply, next thing they are booted for "sending error message". Truly, would like to know why this is. Thank you, OSG-BONN..CO-HA SCORPIO STRIKES
This happens when someone loses their Internet connection without logging out. Like their provider goes down for a few minutes, they just shut their laptop, etc... It isn't a user action. We are researching ways to tone down that error message.
Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, and Case's Ladder!
Pages: 1