#1 03-29-2020 3:41 pm

Posts: 565

New Game! Bingo is launched!

Hi everyone,

We have launched our next new game, in testing mode!    Bingo is here!   Find it on the More Games menu.

This game works by letting you start your games in rounds.  Everyone gets the same balls during each round!   You keep playing until all the balls in the round are over, and the person with the highest score will be the winner of that round.   This game also reports bingos to the chat room.

We will be continuing to make changes on this one based on your feedback, so please be sure to let us know what you think!


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#2 03-29-2020 8:10 pm

From: Cases Arcade, Silly
Posts: 237

Re: New Game! Bingo is launched!

I tried it.  Looks interesting.  But (for me) it seems to run at a pace at which i cannot check all four cards fast enough.  By the time I've looked over all four cards...the game has already drawn 2-3 more numbers.  If it were a single card or ran at a slower pace I could play it.  But for now I will stick to bowling.  Nice game though!  Keep the new games coming!  Thanks!  -Kimberly

Hey Yall!!  My Name Is Kimberly And  I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends.  I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.


#3 03-29-2020 11:23 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 76

Re: New Game! Bingo is launched!

Why do you not get credit for all the bingos?


#4 03-30-2020 3:47 am

Posts: 565

Re: New Game! Bingo is launched!

SexySouthernGirl wrote:

But (for me) it seems to run at a pace at which i cannot check all four cards fast enough.  By the time I've looked over all four cards...the game has already drawn 2-3 more numbers.  If it were a single card or ran at a slower pace I could play it.

That is something that can be adjusted.   Perhaps we can set up multiple rooms that are different options for each room.

SaintLouisbbFan wrote:

Why do you not get credit for all the bingos?

If you look a the scorecard it is a little unclear but currently it only gives credit for what is shown on the scorecard.  This is something I am looking into improving.

Thanks for the feedback during the testing!


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


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