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Hi everyone,
We have upgraded our servers for faster performance. Thanks very much to the support of our MVP Members we can continue to provide the fastest gaming experience around! We hate ads clogging up our games and with your support we can keep them off the site!
Happy gaming!
Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, and Case's Ladder!
GREAT job Case! Last time I was on Pogo they had made the viewable game area smaller so they could put more ads around the edges of the screen. Thank goodness we don't have to deal with ads here!! It truly IS a blessing!!
Hey Yall!! My Name Is Kimberly And I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends. I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.
yes good job butim misson a sound button in our leauge room pool dreams
Make sure you do not have Sound Muted on your Site Settings under Account!
Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, and Case's Ladder!