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Launched message forums.
Added the number of 300 Games to the "My Stats" section for bowling.
Increase the text size in chat.
Created a way to allow users who register using Facebook to select a username.
Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, and Case's Ladder!
Thanks for all the new updates Case! Very much appreciate the larger chat text!
Hey Yall!! My Name Is Kimberly And I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends. I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.
hi case when will the player profiles be ready and when will the league staff be getting some sort of hosting badges??
and thats the bottom line cause stone cold said so
hi case when will the player profiles be ready and when will the league staff be getting some sort of hosting badges??
We had some badges in testing right now, but we need to set up a way for the admin to Add and Remove TDs in their room before we can activate them. We hope to do that in the next couple days.
Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, and Case's Ladder!