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12-04-2021 9:39 pm

I agree why not add some games to this site, may have the member cause to pay to be here. frans buddys league looking for new members and host. come by and try us out. myleague.com/fbs. come see us at 2 pm to 4 7 pm to 9 pm gla.

12-03-2020 3:04 pm

I have one request for a game which is Yahtzee smile Can you please bring that game. Had to Edit because I forgot to also request if permissible can we have a DCR game too? I may be pushing my luck but worth a try lol....If you can bring those 2 games I'll so leave pogo in a heartbeat smile

05-10-2020 3:19 pm

Hey bingo (spin bingo) is so cool,You get 15 spins and free dabs which can be used any where.And you get arrow dabs which can be used any where in that row. You have 4 cards and you try to fill the patterns and a full card.I have seen 4 leagues which hosted in Pogo and now also host at Hey bingo.They all get many members who register for spin bingo tours.Your very Welcome.

05-10-2020 11:06 am

That's an interesting way of playing Bingo!   We can definitely look into it.  Thank you for the suggestion.


05-09-2020 7:37 pm

Thank you very much for all the hard work you all are doing for this site. I am head admin of final frontier league.We run tourneys at www.heybingo.com in (spin  bingo).Since pogo has killed the most popular games for leagues,many leagues have started to host tourneys in heybingo spin a bingo as well as pogo.I was wondering if  spin bingo could possibly be a game in casesarcade since heybingo will most likely not work by years end.

03-11-2020 11:40 am

Yes, we will be offering more games soon!

03-11-2020 10:36 am

Will you be offering more than 4 games

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