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Having just played this game and to my amazement that someone can play 2 or 3 games to my 1 and get scores every time of over 600,000 and i get 1 score of 45,200
Quiet clearly my interest now in playing this game is ZERO.
If games are open to all their should be a degree of fairness because if these games are going to be used in tours, i am sure unless you have membership NO WAY would they enter, i know i would not.....!!!
I am HA og gp addicts, and we have been having tours in this games for nearly two months in our league room and we have been doing good there. Matter of fact you can go to our room and see where my co admin has over 317.000 pts that was done in a tour and the other high scores, most of them was done in tours..
I guess i am right in thinking that your co admin has cases membership ie: a coloured star by their name, as i have just played the first 3 levels ( all that is open to non membership players ) of 10,600 lvl1 23,850 lvl2 and 40,050 for lvl 3.
So to obtain any score much higher than them is impossible unless like i say you have cases membership where more levels are open to use.
in our tours e1 starts at level one and if they continue has far as they can go, if they can go to level 4 or higher that is ok...I have worked on this issue many hours
why is fair to go just to certain levels and not any further, it is not fair to those that can go to level or up ..this is what we decided to do in our tours and it has worked out really good for us..each league their own way.
linda glenn
HA gpaddicts
The reason i said what i said is because the higher the level you use then you can score much more. If you noticed i posted my score for having played levels 1, 2 and 3.
Level 3 is the max i could play so therefore my score would not even make 50,000 so anyone who like me in your myleague who has not got cases membership would never obtain over 300,000 as you quoted your co admin did.
If i was in the position in a leaue game and was paired against a cases member then where is that fair? As after playing level 3 then you go back to level 1 and start a score from scratch....
I am looking at all stumbling points also as a Co HA in games regards to some having cases membership and some not.
I would not expect any myleague member to have such a disadvantage, where a cases member can go to level 13 and the non cases member only to level 3.
Co HA Sailawaygames
Last edited by Catz11 (06-01-2020 1:07 am)
Pages: 1