
Classic Bowling Rooms
Public Room 11
Public Room 20
Public Room 30
Tournament Room 10

League Rooms
Misfits 8
A League Of Their Own 0
Alley Cats 0
Bad Company0
Badass Multigaming League0
Big Four0
Bowl Cut0
Diamonds in the Rough0
Forever Friends0
friends foreever 0
Pogo Orphans 0
Poker Haven0
Prime Tyme Rollers 0
pugsys doghouse0
Senior Moments0
swamp Gators 0
The Brown Bandits0
The Clique0
The Lemonade Stand 0
The Spade Asylum and More 0
The Wolf Lodge0
True Gold Friends0
Wicked Lightning 0

Classic Bowling Badges

Earn badges in this game by achieving the following:

Bowled a Perfect Game [Classic Bowling]
Awarded when you bowl a perfect 300 game.
Rolled a Turkey [Classic Bowling]
Awarded after you have bowled three strikes in a row.
Reached 275 Average [Classic Bowling]
Awarded after you maintain a 275 average for more than 25 games.
The 299 Club [Classic Bowling]
Awarded when you are missing just that last pin!
MVP Badge 10,000 Strikes [Classic Bowling]
Awarded to MVP Players who bowl at least 10,000 strikes in Classic Bowling!
MVP Badge 10,000 Spares [Classic Bowling]
Awarded to MVP Players who bowl at least 10,000 spares in Arcade Bowling!
MVP Badge Perfect Games [Classic Bowling]
Awarded to MVP Players who bowl at least 1000 300 games in Classic Bowling.
Classic Bowling Level Up 50
Awarded to player who has a level of 50 in Classic Bowling
Classic Bowling Level Up 100
Awarded to player who has a level of 100 in Classic Bowling
Classic Bowling Level Up 250
Awarded to player who has a level of 250 in Classic Bowling
Classic Bowling Level Up 500
Awarded to player who has a level of 500 in Classic Bowling
Classic Bowling Level Up 1000
Awarded to player who has a level of 1000 in Classic Bowling.
Give It A Go...Classic Bowling
Awarded to a player for trying ones hand at Classic Bowling.